It’s a nightmare scenario: Your alarm didn’t go off, you’re 15 minutes late for class and it’s the day of your hardest final. No need to freak out, moments like this happen more often than you’d think – just ask The Cougar staff.
[tabgroup] [tab title=”Bryce Dodds”] Sports Editor“I woke up to go to my 9 a.m. final and it’s ten minutes before the test when I walk in the room, and I realized I was in the wrong room all the way across campus. I had to run all the way across campus and barely made it.”[/tab]
[tab title=”Sean Alder”]
“I had to sign up for an honors class oral exam time, and I accidentally missed my 8:30 a.m. time slot by an hour. It turned out that the professor was running late and had to go to the airport, so I didn’t end up doing my final until 3:30 p.m..” [/tab]
[tab title=”Glissette Santana”]Editor in Chief
“I had four finals in one day last semester, and now I have three in one day this semester, and it’s on my birthday.”[/tab]
[tab title=”Justin Tijerina”]Photo Editor
“I had a final project and I showed up to class thinking it was due the next class, but it was actually due that day. I had to leave class and write it up really fast, go back, and turn it in before class ended.”[/tab] [tab title=”Taelor Marquetti-Gadison”]Copy Chief
“I didn’t study for any of my other tests and devoted all of my study time to history, because it was my weakest subject at the time. I stayed up all night studying for my test and when I got to class the next day, I found out the test wasn’t until a week later.”[/tab]