Students on campus will get the opportunity to see the University of Houston’s Army ROTC Battalion hold their own memorial event on Friday to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
The event will start at 9 a.m. outside of the Student Center near the piece of metal taken from the World Trade Center.
“We are showing our support for this country and showing respect to the first-responders and the people affected by the attacks,” Cadet Captain Mike Headberg said.
Among the attendants at the memorial will be Lieutenant Colonel Neil Chaffee, first responders, survivors from the attacks, and Student Government Association President Shaun Theriot-Smith. Students will be able to go through a photo exhibit as well as ask questions for those who were involved in the 9/11 attacks.
“Not only is the ROTC involved with the ceremony, but a coalition of other groups as well as a panel discussion will be held afterwards and is open for all students,” Theriot-Smith said.
With the upcoming anniversary, Headberg reflect on their roles in the ROTC and military.
“We were all affected in our own ways,” Headberg said. “We all raised our right hands to protect and serve this country.”