Fall Finals Edition Special Section

Studying too hard? Remember to take a break


Taking a break to hang out with your friends can be beneficial to you and them. | Dailey Hubbard / The Cougar

The end of the fall semester can only mean one thing for students: finals. While most students will be busy cramming for exams and scrambling to finish final projects, some forget the toll it takes on mental health.

During this stressful time, it’s critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle physically and mentally. Here are some tips to stay sane and unwind before finals.

Take a break

Whether you’re cramming an entire semester into a few days, or casually reviewing for exams, take breaks in between study sessions to give your brain a break. Go for a walk, eat a snack, or get coffee with friends. The break will reset your mind and help you come back to your work feeling refreshed and focused.

Find a study group

Working in groups can be a great way to lighten the work load. Get together with friends or classmates, and split up the work, so that you are not overburdened with material. Working in a group will allow for discussion of the material which will help you gain a better understanding or experience multiple viewpoints on a topic.

Have some fun

Go out to lunch, go out for drinks if you are of age, or just stay home and watch Netflix in your pajamas all day. No matter what it is, giving yourself a day off will help lower your stress levels. The next day you will come back to your work refreshed and less stressed.

Listen to music

Listening to calm music can help elevate your serotonin levels and alleviate stress. Take a break from the background noise in the library, and zone out with some classical music.


One of the worst things you can do is deprive yourself of sleep. Make sure you are getting at least eight hours of sleep each night that you study. Sleep is critical, and too many students risk their health by not getting enough, especially during finals week. Take a 20 minute cat nap in between study sessions to get your concentration back.


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