The Roy Scranton talk will be held in the Honors College Commons of the M.D. Anderson Library. | File photo
From art exhibitions to festivals to the Honors College’s annual Dionysia showing, there are multiple events happening on and around campus this week. Check out the list below to see what you can look forward to.
Thursday, April 28: Arctic Ghosts: Ecocruising the Death Spiral, a talk by Roy Scranton
M.D. Anderson Library, Honors College Commons
1 to 2:30 p.m.
Rice University postdoctoral fellow Roy Scranton, author of Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of Civilization, will give a talk about the cultural phenomenon surrounding the “Arctic Death Spiral” and discuss the confluence of ecotourism and global climate catastrophe that threatens The Northwest Passage’s arctic waters.
The talk is open to all students.
Thursday, April 28: 10-Minute Play Festival
Quintero Lab Theater, 3351 Cullen Blvd.
Thursday to Saturday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Celebrate the end of the semester with the theater department’s fourth annual showcase, which will feature some of the best work from its BFA playwrights and pieces selected from its international 10-minute play contests. The School of Theater and Dance proudly presents the weekend event.
Student tickets are $10, while faculty and staff’s prices are $15 per ticket. Contact the box office to purchase at 713-743-2929.
Friday, April 29: Honors College’s ‘Dionysia’ final showing of “Speak Memory…Stories of Our Houston Odyssey”
The Menil Collection
7 to 9 p.m.
The final night of the Center for Creative Work’s eighth annual Dionysia will feature Houston vocalist Misha Penton, poet, playwright and Texas Southern University professor Thomas Meloncon and well-known professor and translator of Greek and Latin classics Stanley Lombardo.
“Speak Memory…Stories of Our Houston Odyssey,” retells the story of Homer’s Odyssey through Houstonians’ journeys through the city and the many issues that arise on their trek home.
Admission for the event is free. For a schedule of all Dionysia events or to register for tickets, go to www.thehonorscollege.com/dionysia.
Friday, April 29: Lavender Graduation
Student Center South- Space City Room 214
6 to 8 p.m.
The LGBTQ Resource Center will be sponsoring the Lavender Graduation, a ceremony conducted annually on various college campuses to honor lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and ally students and to recognize their personal and scholastic achievements and contributions to the university.
The ceremony is free and all students are welcome. For more information, contact Lorraine Schroeder at [email protected].
Friday, April 30: UH School of Art Annual Student Exhibition
Blaffer Art Museum
7 to 9 p.m.
The works of School of Art undergraduate seniors and first and second year graduate students will be showcased at an exhibition open to UH and Houstonian viewers. The event is held every spring by UH’s School of Art and the Blaffer Art Museum to recognize the artistic achievements of exiting upperclassmen.
A preview will be open to VIP/members from 6 to 7 p.m. with a public reception available to all attendees from 7 to 9 p.m.
For more information about the event, call 713-743-9521.