The recent comments made by the Student Government Association Vice President Rohini Sethi has sparked a debate among students and alumni. At the center of this of this controversy are two movements that have taken this country by storm — #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter.
Black Lives Matter is an important subject that is worth discussing, seeing that many people’s understanding of it remains muddled. This weekend, the opinion desk weighs in on the movement and its meaning.
What do you think the term #BlackLivesMatter movement means? Does saying #AllLivesMatter in response to BLM undermine the movement? Should BLM consider changing their name to create a more clear message or is their message clear enough?
Caprice Carter, opinion columnist
BLM isn’t a movement meant to exclude — it is a statement meant to include a group of people who feel ignored, bullied, and disregarded. When saying “Black Lives Matter,” the “Too” should be implied as it is meant to be. All lives do matter, and black lives matter, too. To say “All Lives Matter” is not incorrect, but it doesn’t really address the issue. While it is a universal truth that all lives matter, that doesn’t mean that everyone believes it.
Go to any city in the U.S. and it wouldn’t be hard to meet at least one person who believes black lives don’t matter. To them, black people kill each other everyday. Scroll to the comments and this becomes obvious right away. Outspoken public figures such as Sethi may urge her followers to “forget #BlackLivesMatter,” but it doesn’t change the fact that the movement is important. The message needs to be heard by those that do not believe that black lives are important, too.
Not everyone will understand the message, but the good thing about #BlackLivesMatter? It is on everyone’s mind.
Odus Evbagharu, opinion columnist
#BlackLivesMatter is about bringing awareness to the atrocities and unfair practices the police and the law use against the African-American community. It’s simply a movement to educate people, including blacks, about the relationship between the law and a certain community. No more, no less.
It is not a hate group, it is not a terrorist group and it certainly is not an exclusive group where only black people can be a part of.
The movement is an opportunity to hear a generation of people who have genuine concerns about the future of their race in the hands of law enforcement. People should view it as an opportunity instead of a way to be even more divisive.
#AllLivesMatter undermines the work that people are trying to do. To say this is just simply dismissing a cause that is truly affecting a generation of people. #BlueLivesMatter does not help either. Police choose their profession. Blacks do not have a choice to pick what race they can be a part of.
It would be a travesty if #BlackLivesMatter changed its name because the movement isn’t about exclusion. It’s about drawing attention to a system that is failing against minorities.
Thomas Dwyer, assistant opinion editor
I think BLM is an attempt by mainly the black community to communicate to law enforcement that black people are more than the negative characteristics that is often attached to them.
The name of the movement makes sense to me, but perhaps could use a subheading or some other element in order to clarify its meaning. Black Lives Matter doesn’t need to change its name. It does, however, need more structure if it intends to actually use its resources in a constructive way.
BLM’s message is clear, but how can they legitimately create the change within their message with only protests?
Frank Campos, opinion editor
BLM does not call upon just one race. It wants all races to unite and realize that there is injustice when it comes to the treatment of African-Americans by police. The name simply means that, in a country where all lives should matter, black lives obviously do not to police.
The latest example of this is a therapist who was shot in the leg by police even though he had both hands in the air and pleaded the police to not shoot. To deny any racial disparity in treatment is to be part of the problem.
Saying #AllLivesMatter in response to BLM is not only disrespectful, but it also shows the ignorance of the person saying the phrase. Saying all lives matter is like telling Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement that everything is already fair even though a black man or woman can’t sit in the same area as a white person in public places.
“Separate but equal” is a term that was used to describe segregation and to undermine the efforts of the Civil Rights Movement. BLM isn’t fighting for basic civil rights anymore, but since the Civil Rights Movement, blacks have been fighting for their lives against the police. With today’s growing technology, video footage has brought their struggle to the forefront of the media and the world.
It can’t be ignored anymore. Stop saying all lives matter. Realize that the people in the late 1940s who wanted to keep their schools, bathrooms, restaurants and lives white are probably the same as those who say all lives matter in response to racial injustice today. You think you are right, but history will show that you are dead wrong.
Contributors to Focus Friday can be reached at [email protected].
Personally, the BLM movement has strengthened my resolve that #BlueLivesMatter. Something was accomplished anyway.
Thank you for proving the points they were making above.
We all know that Black Lives Matter only when a White Cop is doing the killing.
The DC silence over the Socialist Democrat Convention is deafening. Put that SocDem from UT in charge, and well get more Hillary drip, drip, drip, then slobber, slobber, slobber.
Notice how #BlackLivesMatter says not a word about the woman killed by the Capital Police and federal officers. She was targeted for making a wrong turn; they hunted and shot her down with a baby in the back seat.
People should be ashamed of the public character “lynching” of the young student V.P., especially after watching this video shot this week. BLM is not a legitimate organization and I can not understand how any self-respecting person would want their name and reputation associated with them. To me, the organization comes across as a smoke-screen for deeper issues rooted in hate. I think a lot of well-intended youth are being intellectually lobotomized by a nefarious wolf wrapped in sheep’s clothing:
If I was a young black youth I would run as fast as I could away from BLM. You are being used and taken advantage of by less than honest people:
Here is a decent expose on BLM by Accuracy in Media called:
Each opinion in this article is about inclusiveness. “All Lives Matter” is as inclusive as a statement on the subject can get. However, it appears to be unsafe to say “All Lives Matter” at U-H. If U-H is interested in inclusion and diversity, as the article states, why is it unsafe to say “All Lives Matter.” Why does it result in sanctions and vilification? At U-H, does “diversity” really mean “diversity”? …Or does it really mean “approved diversity”?
It means accept the Progressive Plantation ideology or else!
What has people talking isn’t the legitimacy of BLM, it’s the anger and leveling of sanctions against somebody for saying ‘All Lives Matter’. I’d love to hear the opinion columnists write an article about whether they think somebody should be suspended from student government because they said something good about ‘All Lives Matter’ rather than an article that completely misses the entire reason people are talking about this. I think you’re playing it safe by just giving the rote defense of BLM (and it’s a legitimate defense) instead of actually looking at whether it’s moral to retaliate against a person because they wrote about All Lives Matter instead.
You’re insistence that BLM is the victim here is absurd.
No one person can define the BLM movement because it has no “leaders” or mission statements. What the BLM movement has done is given an outlet for a large group of people who are upset about a lot of things (policing being only one) to lash out at society. Like any group with open membership some of the most vocal members will be the most unreasonable because they are the ones with the most anger, mental health issues and/or a lot of free time to attend protests.
Unfortunately, these loud-mouthed idiots tend to give the rest of the membership a bad image making it difficult for outsiders to assess whether BLM is more a force for good (e.g. improving race relations) or a force for evil (e.g. murder).
The BLM movement like #Occupy started with a decent premise then they sold out for $$$$, allowed Progressives to control the organization, and became more and more criminal and violent, openly calling for the killing of LEOs like in NYC and other places. Not to mention the BLM-Dallas justifying the killing of LEOs in Dallas.
What a crock of male bovine excrement!
The problem is not with Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs), it is with the Progressive politicians who pass the laws enforced by the LEOs. Notice the majority of these issues are occurring in cities and areas that have been under Progressive Democrat control for decades. The same pandering Progressive Democrats that make all kinds of promises yet never fulfill any of them. Why is anyone surprised? Progressive Democrats have a long history of racism, discrimination, and subjugation of minorities especially Blacks.
–Progressive Democrats started the KKK and continued to support them.
–Progressive Democrats instituted Jim Crow laws to continue their Plantations.
–Progressive Democrat President Wilson segregated the federal government.
–Progressive Democrats placed life time KKK member Hugo Black on the Supreme Court.
–Progressive Democrats opposed every Civil Rights legislation attempt.
–Progressive Democrats denied Rev. MLK his 2A Rights.
–Progressive Democrat supporter James Earl Ray assassinated Rev. MLK.
–Progressive Democrats denied Cassius Clay his Constitutional Rights.
–Progressive Democrats have created Plantations in numerous cities that they have controlled for over 50 years (i.e. Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, etc.)
–Progressive Democrat politicians have made the laws on their Plantations.
#BlackLivesMatter started with a decent premise but have sold out for $$$$ and allow Progressive Elitist Masters and Uncle Tom Overseers to control their organization and push violence just like occurred with #Occupy where they started with a decent premise but sold out for $$$$ and became a cesspool of violence.