Student Government Association President Shane Smith said he reached an agreement with student leaders and will shorten drop his sanctions of Vice President Rohini Sethi. | Trey Strange/The Cougar
Student Government Association President Shane Smith will drop his sanctions, including the 50-day suspension, for Vice President Rohini Sethi, Smith said in a joint statement with Sethi released Friday.
Instead, Sethi has agreed to take an unpaid “voluntary leave of absence” from her position until Aug. 22, the start of the fall semester. Sethi said she also plans to follow through on other previous sanctions, including attending cultural events throughout her term and participating in the Libra Project diversity workshop.
“The reduction is disappointing to hear, but I’m personally past this Rohini situation,” said Wesley Okereke, the UH NAACP president. “We, as the Black Caucus, are going to be focusing our energy into other pressing issues. I don’t think the reduced sanctions will quell anything, in fact, I think tensions have a possibility of escalating, seeing as how this whole situation transpired over a very long period of time.”
Smith said Sethi will not be paid during her absence, which will last 15 business days, or three weeks. According to the Title III, Article 1, Section 5, Clause 8 of SGA bylaws, if the vice president is absent for three weeks or more they will not be compensated during that absence.
Smith said in a statement, shown below, that the SGA Judicial Branch had begun investigations into the legality of SGAB-5304, the bill allowing Smith one-time power to sanction his vice president. The bill was passed on July 27 in response to student outcry over a controversial statement Sethi posted on her personal Facebook. Smith dropped the sanctions because of increasing agreement between SGA senators that the bill was illegitimate due to SGA bylaws.
“I have chosen to take steps on my own because of the division I’ve created among our student body,” Sethi said in the joint statement. “I may have had the right to post what I did, but I still should not have.
“My words at the time didn’t accurately convey my feelings and caused many students to lose their faith in me to advocate for them. I take my responsibility seriously and want to re-earn their trust.”
While lifting his sanctions for Sethi, in the statement, Smith directed SGA to “pursue major initiatives related to campus diversity.”
Before the statement was released, SGA had already begun creating a new committee related to diversity. Bauer College of Business Senator Fahad Rehan said the committee will contain “people from all walks of life.”
Alex Meyer and Trey Strange contributed reporting to this story.
I’m deeply offended by what the NAACP guy said and by that group. Can he be punished, or only non-blacks? I think instead of my alumni money going to someone like him, I have decided to send money to Sethi. How do I do that?
Hey, better than giving it to you. Obviously, the free meds aren’t helping you.
The only Blacks that are authorized for political punishment … are Conservative Blacks.
That’s true. Look at Ben Carson, The Sheriff and David Webb. I don’t think the preacher who spoke at the RNC gets picked on as much, because he is so huge, that those chickens are afraid of him…lol!! Also, Stacey Dash gets horrible things said to her;especially, on social media. I give them credit because they stick to their guns. I remember after Mike Brown, this black journalist wrote an article apologizing about being wrong about what happened and he was on a TV show talking about all the horrible things and threats thrown his way, because he said, ” I was wrong.” The left can’t handle anyone who is different, or disagrees with them. I was a Democrat, but I really don’t know what has happened to most of them.
Your Right Brother … or Sister? … Ben, David, Stacey … they should be Black role models .. not scorned.
Unfortunately, Democrats … have become Communist.
They still don’t get that she didn’t do anything wrong and should not be punished at all. It”s sad that she just lies down and takes it too. This is why BLM and groups like them keep pulling this crap, because people are scared and won’t stand up against them. Like the person below, I will never donate money again until someone has the guts to say enough is enough, or when people on you campus are punished for saying ” Black Lives Matter” and are able to act like racist dictators.
” aren’t able to act like”- edit
BLM and black student groups, any race based student group, are racist from the start. So for a black group to push for punishment against a non-white, non-black female student for free expression is typical for a race based hate group.
I have one thing to say to these nitwits who are so eager to lead the parade to hang this young woman. You want to be famous for punishing someone this badly? Mr. Smith, Ms. Koné, et al and company. You are now public celebrities. You, your names and your actions will be remembered. Good luck in being able to get beyond this when you’re not sucking at the college teat any longer, when you have to actually find meaningful w-o-r-k one day.
I work for a major DOD contractor, in the IT/NetSec field and our company fully vets all our hires. Including social media and academic activity. And most companies our size do the same, so as the saying goes, keep on keepin’ on. In a global business economy, Mr. Smith and company would be unpredictable liabilities. We can fill our internal quotas without hiring either one.
If Ms. Koné thinks, in any bizarro version of reality, that any corporate manager would risk sending her to a conference in another country, or allow her to represent any aspect of the corporation in any meeting of investors, customers or executive corporate leadership, she’s certifiably insane. Worse even for Mr. Smith. Better that they both start learning how to work the window at the fast food drive-up.
I think most black-owned companies would hire them and probably be proud of them. I know one media company who is very racist towards whites and cops on their Facebook page and I think they would probably hire her in a heartbeat. Look at that leader of BLM. He’s an embarrassment, but the Baltimore school board gave him a job making 6 figures. It’s sad.
Notice President Smith dropped that dazzling huge SHANE SMITH from his letterhead.
Smith wrote “this ordeal has brought pain to our students.” I would say “YES.” Caused by a weak President and bad SGA decision making based on pleasing the mob of Black Lives Matter.
What Sethi said should have never ever gone this far. The words Black Lives Matter do intensify racism whether intended or not. I read it as no ill will towards Black people but rather as a global plea for peace.
Do you listen or just wait to talk? When people say “Black Lives Matter,” that doesn’t mean blue lives don’t matter; it just means all lives matter, but right now the big concern is the fact that the data shows black folks are more vulnerable to these kinds of incidents(police brutality)
This isn’t a matter of us comparing the value of lives. This is recognizing that there is a particular burden that is being placed on a group of our fellow citizens. And we should care about that. We can’t dismiss it.
Can you show me the date that proves this? The last study which came out, done by a black guy and with pop. figured in, showed whites are killed more and killed by minority cops more. All the blacks who have been shot by cops, have been doing something wrong. I know people like you love criminals and think that is okay, but there lies the problem. Maybe, you should ask yourself why you believe everything you read, or see on TV and don’t investigate it more. If you want to talk about a burden, let’s talk about all I have to do for security, because of the murders and crimes in my neighborhood,which have all been committed by black men and boys. Let’s talk about that and not dismiss it. In what year, are blacks and white apologists going to stop making excuses, playing victims and blaming others? It pretty much seems like never!!!
More whites than blacks are killed by law enforcement; however, based on their respective populations, blacks are killed at a RATE nearly three times higher than whites. It is perfectly valid to question the difference in rates based on race. What is not valid is to assume that any difference in rates is automatically attributable to racial animus toward blacks.
Slightly more blacks were murdered in 2014 than whites (FBI Uniform Crime Report); however, based on their respective populations, blacks are murdered at a RATE more than six times higher than whites. The difference in murder rates cannot be attributed to racial animus because the vast majority of murders (around 90%) are committed by members of the victims’ own race.
The high murder rate among blacks suggests there is a violence problem in the black community that may contribute to the increased rate at which blacks are killed by law enforcement.
Honey, do you know how to read? I told you this last study factored in population. By your logic, that means more blacks are on welfare then, right? I find people like you who use the population excuse for crime, don’t seem to use the same excuse about welfare. I can tell you that there are far more blacks on welfare, because I have been to the offices here in Houston. Have you? Murders are committed by members of their own race? Really? Why have all the murders committed by me, been done by blacks on non-blacks. It’s the same all around the city, boo. You really need to stop perpetuation that false narrative. Now, you are even upping the numbers and of course not backing anything up with any real world proof. Why don’t you call every freaking police department in the country and ask for their stats on murders? Guess it is easier to find a study you agree with and go with it. You are so stupid, that you don’t realize you contradicted your whole argument, in your last paragraph.
Learn to do basic research … and math.
46 million black and 256 million white.
Killed by police:
258 black and 494 white
5.6 per million black and 1.9 per million white
Murder victims:
6,095 blacks and 5,397 white
132 per million black and 21 per million white
Victims and offenders of same race:
89.96% black-on-black and 82.36% white-on-white
Okay, boo, so show me the facts where they got this info from, because in the real world this is not true. I told you to call every precinct in this county and ask for their crime and murder stats. Why don’t you do that? Oh, wait. It’s better to list false FBI stats which fit your false narrative.Your facts also show more blacks are killed by blacks, boo. You are just so stupid. Blacks commit more murder and more crimes. I really don’t give a flying you know what if you don’t want to see this. It only hurts you, not us. Once again, you didn’t answer the welfare question, because I got you. You know if you believe the facts you just posted based on pop., then you have to agree with the fact that there are more blacks on welfare.hahahaha
I think this is fair, but it won’t matter to the black supremacists.
Yes, it is just so fair to get punished and have money take away, because you say something;especially, if you say something right. After all, we do live in a communist country where the minority rules, literally. The Black Student Unions, BLM and NAACP are racist and need to be punished for what they say and do. Why aren’t they?
Because blacks aren’t punished. I guarantee you if it were a black who advocated killing cops, the school wouldn’t do anything.
That’s the point I was trying to make. I find it funny that if you go on the Facebook page, their are trolls and BLM members acting like she killed someone, but yet these are the same people who want to let criminals out of jail. They have zero logic skills, like the ones interviewed above.
Fair??? You call this fair??? What’s fair about it? The original sanctions that were issued were themselves a compromise! The victims were demanding her removal! The SGA instead decided by majority vote on the sanctions. The racialized victims reluctantly, with great pain and sadness, accepted the sanctions as a compromise just so everyone could move on! Now the SGA president single handedly took THAT away??? OH NO! NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!
What about all of you who scream BLM matters and talk about made up white privilege. What do your victims get? Why don’t you focus on all the crimes committed on the campus and in the city? Oh, wait. I think I know. So, basically, you wanted her removed because she wasn’t black and didn’t bow down to you? How sad and racist.
Talk Show Host Joe Walsh devoted about 30 minutes of his show to this shameful situation. He’s a former congressman out of Chicago who has a fantastic style and delivery. He has unique quirks that distinguish him, such as long pauses, repetitive comments, and a stuttering style, etc. Anyway, here is a link to the show recording – video taped live in the studio. If you lean more right than left I bet you will love this guy. He had mentioned the story earlier in the week, but this show was about this meeting to readdress the situation. He takes on Shane Smith as well. Enjoy – the show starts at the 9 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUmpWjUVLHk
You are so right. Alton Sterling was arrested over 15 times; the guy in NY over 20; Freddie Gray over 25 and so on and on. We have to find a way to keep these criminals behind bars. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE#GOODPEOPLE’SLIVESMATTER#alllivesmatter
Hopefully, you are being a sarcastic troll, because if you are really like this, you need help..lol
Oooh, guest, you are SO in trouble! The classroom monitor is going to tell the teacher on you!
How To Fight Black Lives Matter Harassment In Houston:
It was 2 years ago today … the big fat lie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAFqFMJRQkQ&feature=youtu.be&a
I can’t help but wonder if the same people vilifying BLM would be just as likely to vilify a group of MLM (Muslim Lives Matter) or HLM (Hispanic Lives Matter) or ALM (Asian Lives Matter.) Or, best of all — NALM (Native American Lives Matter) I’m guessing the same people objecting to the BLM would be just as offended — and they know who they are. Sad.
It’s sad that you think your logic makes sense. First of all, don’t idiots like you say BLM encompasses all people of color, which these groups would be a part of? Secondly, these groups tend to be more intelligent and don’t protest when a criminal is killed by cops. They are more concerned with those innocent people killed by mostly black people. Finally, you and other members of BLM are hypocrites, because you only care when a black person, usually a criminal, is killed by a non-black, but not when a black person kills anyone else. Do you understand, or do I need to simply if even more. Now, go back to playing victim. What’s sad is you seem to know how we would feel if there were any other groups? People like you seem to think if you think , or feel something, then it’s true. You don’t seem to think you need any facts, or evidence to back your crap up, or you just make crap up. That’ is sad.
if BLM represented all persons of color, than they would represent Rohini instead of persecuting her.
Evidently Alex. Rohini Sethi offends you.
The BLM has left politics for African Americans and now started persecuting Israelis. They are now showing their true colors.
If BLM is for all persons of color, than they should have laid off Rohini. Aren’t Indians considered Persons of Color? Or do they do too well economically in the US to be considered persecuted?
You got it. I grew up here and I never heard much racism being directed to black people. You know who got it when I was growing up. The Vietnamese. They were treated like crap, but didn’t let it stop them. They worked hard and made it. BLM is racist and it’s sad that they and a lot of people ganging up on this girl, can’t see their own racism, or do, and don’t care.