San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is a role model and, most importantly, an American hero.
Kaepernick is not a “n-word,” isn’t “un-American,” not a “traitor” or any of the descriptors people have placed on him after he exercised his First Amendment right to not stand for the national anthem.
It’s a procedure that is not a law of this great country. It’s not a rule of the NFL. What Kaepernick did was one of the most American things you could possibly do.
This is a country that was founded under protest. Paul Revere, Ben Franklin and Samuel Adams would have been proud of what the 49ers quarterback has done.
It’s funny how the dissenters always forget the country’s rich history. The Boston Tea Party or the American Revolution were events of protest.
The irony in the name of one of U.S. history’s most-celebrated documents, the Declaration of Independence, has really been lost on many this week. It was literally written to free colonies from an oppressed ruler and a system that unfairly treated the people in the west of the Atlantic.
Sounds familiar.
Kaepernick’s treatment has been really disappointing to see — especially the excuses many keep using to justify their criticism. The military is not a buffer you can use every time you want to feel patriotic.
It’s downright egregious and disgusting how this country uses the military for political and social gain. These men and women sacrificed their lives to afford us the protection of our most sacred laws, one of which includes the right to protest.
Everyone’s uproar for Kaepernick’s apparent disrespect and lack of understanding makes no sense. Most of these people couldn’t care less about the thousands of veterans struggling with joblessness and homelessness across the country.
Believing in American exceptionalism is not the only way to express your patriotism. There’s also using your voice and actions to speak out against injustice.
Slavery doesn’t end if someone doesn’t speak up and proclaim emancipation. Women can’t vote if someone doesn’t assemble conventions and demand what is right. Discrimination, although still prevalent, wouldn’t have been addressed if a particular minister and activist didn’t have a dream.
These were all unpopular protests in the eyes of many, but they still ended up making this country better.
Many critics have mentioned the amount of money Kaepernick has made in his career, his adoption by a white family and his lack of hardship to discredit his protest. These things have absolutely nothing to do with the cause he is fighting for.
In fact, he’s doing exactly what he should be doing, using his platform and money to speak on issues that need awareness. The rich and powerful do it all the time when they donate millions of dollars to their political party. Actions speak louder than words.
When Timothy McVeigh, a Gulf War veteran, blew up a building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, people weren’t questioning his patriotism. He killed 168 people and injured more than 600 writers,
When Dylann Roof killed nine innocent people in a predominantly black church in Charleston, he was not killed by law enforcement. He was escorted with the full protection of the police, a bulletproof vest and was reportedly allowed to eat Burger King because he was hungry.
And yet we complain about Kaepernick’s nonviolent, silent protest of a flag he feels doesn’t represent the America he wants to see.
This is a country with a proud history of wanting to be three or four steps ahead without ever looking back. But whenever people and citizens try to do that, many still want to look back to the “good ole days,” or, in today’s vernacular, they want to “Make America Great Again.”
They want it back to a time when the country seemed a lot less brown.
The U.S. is at its best when a dissenting voice has its place at the table. This country doesn’t improve when you try to muzzle the echoes of the oppressed and the silent. We need those opinions so we can be better and stronger together.
Thank you, Colin, for helping many realize what it truly means to be an American.
Opinion columnist Odus Evbagharu is a political science junior and can be reached at [email protected]
Here you go Odus, an article written by a real journalist with actual logic.
Odorus … if you hate America so much? … why don’t you go back to the African Utopia your ancestors left before they came to America. Five will get you Ten that they never had in mind of NOT standing for The Star Spangled Banner when they left their homeland.
I find it dumbfounding that under Barack Obama that the weak-minded like Colin Kaepernick and evidently yourself Odorus, see that Blacks are still being oppressed, when Slavery (a time of true oppression) or even the pre-Civil Rights Era was so many years ago?
I’m still waiting for specific examples on how Blacks are being oppressed today?
Are welfare transfer payments to low?
Are the requirements not to look for work and receive benefits to stringent for
Are ObamaPhone minutes or data limits being reduced?
Are Black thugs being denied guns under Chicago’s strict gun laws?
BTW 13 killed 52 wounded during this past weekend in Chicago.
Still waiting on a UH Body Count from uncontrollable CHL holders.
So what exactly Odorus … is the gripe?
If Kaepernick succeeds and Clinton gets elected, I’m pretty sure that the US will be no better than any tin horn African dictatorship within a generation. Certainly, your children Odorus will not enjoy the choices of video games, or cell phones or TV, or right to protest than you have had. I mean, what one-party state allows imagination to come up with that stuff in the first place. In a one-party state … a Socialist state …. saving your own skin becomes a priority, and innovation takes a back seat.
I believe you are ruining your own future Odorus … and you don’t even realize it. The Freedoms you enjoy now will be fond memories in decades to come for many, if respect for the Country continues to decline. The Country is not immune to threats by negative discourse or incivility, which is why respect for national anthem is so important.
Has any Progressive ever wondered why people are leaving overtly Progressive states?
New York had 45 electoral college votes in 1960 — today they have 29.
PA had 32 ECVs in 1960 — today they have 20.
Other Progressive states have fared the same decline. People are leaving for brighter waters such as Texas, which had 24 ECVs in 1960 and today has 38.
Now apply that to the Country. At what point will people either fight or leave the Country for brighter waters when Progressive policies and negative Americanism become unbearable?
I may move or may not move. But I can tell you Odorus … if Americans have nothing else to lose, when they have no more freedoms, they will fight. And I’m sure that if you continue to write like today’s tripe … you will wind up on someone’s list.
Hillary Clinton coughing in New York.