Three organizations on campus are hosting watch parties for the last debate Wednesday. | Justin Cross/ The Cougar
After two tense debates, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will face off for the last time at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
The Center for Student Involvement is hosting a debate watch party at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Monumental Stairs in Student Center South. The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services website said all watch parties are open to every faculty member, staff and student.
CSI has hosted watch parties for the first presidential debate and the vice presidential debate. They will do one for the election results on Nov. 8.
Both the College Republicans at the University of Houston and UH Democrats are hosting watch parties at Calhoun’s Rooftop at the same time.
Following the acrimony shown in the last two debates and allegations that have emerged against Trump, tonight’s event is expected to be contentious with tensions at an all-time high.
The topics, selected by Chris Wallace of Fox News, will include debt and entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots and “fitness to be president.”
Wallace will moderate the debate.
The Leftist Media agenda that Trump is Losing Support is false.
Story: I Was A ‘Black Man For Bernie.’ Now I Travel The Country Encouraging Others To Support Donald Trump
This is an example of the Bad Side of Socialism .. once all the spectrum of Free is gone. Forget individualism, forget free speech, forget everything, except your capitulation to the State. But you will get your rice ration.