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Staff Editorial: Registered voters should exercise their right Election Day

Early voting has begun in Texas, and we implore all those registered to vote to get out there and have your voice heard this election.

Texas has seen a record number of voters register in preparation for Election Day. The question is: Will you show up to actually place your vote or complain for the next four years and ignore the fact that you didn’t participate?

Fifteen million people have registered to vote in Texas. This accounts for 78 percent of the voting population and is a record that could lead to surpassing the voter turnout of the 2008 election. Texas had 77 percent of the voting population registered before the 2008 election amounting to a little more than 13.5 million voters.

We at The Cougar urge the registered voters of Texas to cast a vote this election regardless of what party you follow. Polls all over the country are showing a close race in battleground states — even a close race in Texas as Hillary Clinton closes the gap on Donald Trump.

The old excuse that your vote doesn’t matter couldn’t be more wrong. Your vote matters in this election — more than you can imagine.

The candidates start with Trump and Clinton but there are third-party leaders, too. Despite what some might think, the names on the ballot also include public positions that can affect you on a more personal level than the presidential election.

It doesn’t matter who you vote for. It is just important that you take the time between now and Nov. 8 to actually do it.

Let’s all use our voice this November to say something regardless of the outcome.

Be proud that we did instead of letting everyone else decide for us.

[email protected]


  • What’d I tell you … the Hidden Trump Vote is making its presence known. In Florida and even in Harris County … the Trump vote is palpable.

    Blacks and Hispanics are voting Trump. They know its time to break the chains of White Democrat Elites ruling over the Plantation of Intellectual Slavery.

  • For you smart Liberal students out there that study hard, get 4.0 GPAs, work, and don’t party.

    UH will soon be launching a new GPA Redistribution Program to help struggling 2.0 students, who don’t work hard, party all the time, and don’t have a job.

    From now on students who have a 4.0 GPA with have one point redistributed to a struggling students so that each student will have a 3.0 GPA.

    The new program is designed to bring equality of grades for equal efforts, and make each student feel good about themselves. Which is good for UH.

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