This week, among UCS’s Fall career fair and a UH Energy’s next energy panel in its Energy Symposium series, UH is celebrating Constitution day with food and education on Texas’s upcoming Constitutional Elections. | File Photo/The Cougar
This week’s events include an inspiring talk from a young entrepreneur, the Moores Opera Center’s season opening, a Constitution Day Celebration and University Career Service’s fall career and internship fair.
Chronicles of a Young Entrepreneur
Student Theater in Student Center South
Noon to 1 p.m.
Aaron Paxton Arnold, CEO of MusicIsMyBusiness, is an entrepreneur who successfully started his own music business before he turned 30. He will be speaking in the Student Center South about overcoming fear and failure and how to become successful. The event is free for members of the UH community, and those interested can RSVP for the eventĀ on Facebook.
What’s Opera, Duck?
McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, 2425 Norfolk St.
7:30 to 9 p.m.
The Moores School of Music is opening its Opera Center’s season with a cabaret event hosted by director Buck Ross. Tickets are $20 in advance and $22 at the door.
Constitution Day Celebration
Student Center South
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
UH is celebrating Constitution Day at the Student Center tables with cake, education about the Texas constitutional election in November and opportunities to relate current events and the Constitution. Give your opinion on big questions relating to the First Amendment by adding a sticky note to the bulletin board.
University Career Services Fall 2017 Career and Internship Fair
Houston Room, Student Center South
1 to 4 p.m.
UCS is hosting a career fair open to all students in the UH System as well as UH alumni. Attendees must dress professionally, have a UH ID or their Peoplesoft number and bring several copies of their resumes.
UH Energy Symposium – Electric Power: Going Off the Grid
Houston Room, Student Center South
5:30 to 7 p.m.
UH Energy is hosting another panel discussion in its Energy Symposium Series, this time focusing on the challenges facing the energy grid and the future of energy in America. The event is free, and those interested should RSVP.