In an unusually short meeting with only two agenda items Wednesday night, the SGA Senate passed a bill revising the Student Academic Bill of Rights.
The document, which outlines students’ academic responsibilities and available resources, hasn’t been updated in years, said College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Sen. Sara Rehman.
“There were several aspects that were not updated from 2008, 2012 and primarily before 2014. All of that was very much dated,” Rehman said.
UScholars, an outdated undeclared major program for freshmen, was revised to be called Exploratory Studies. Another change was adding in new academic help available for students, including University Career Services and Learning Advancement for Undergraduate Cougars of Houston (LAUNCH), a tutoring program.
The bill also specified that all undergraduate, graduate and professional students have the right to receive a syllabus by the second class meeting at the latest.
The revisions were not debated in the Senate, and it passed almost unanimously.
In addition, physics freshman Isaiah Silva was appointed to four committees.
Silva, who did not attend the meeting, was appointed to the University Hearing Board, Appellate Board, Library Committee and Bookstore Committee. Senators said that he has made his case to be on these committees at prior meetings and in the SGA office.
In a letter sent to the Senate, Silva said he hopes to have some impact on the committees he was appointed to with the administration coming to an end.
The Senate did not approve Silva’s appointment to the Student Traffic Court. Silva’s appointments and the revisions to the Student Academic Bill of Rights were the only items on the agenda for the 45 minute meeting.