How do I find healthy food options on campus? – Angry in Agnes
McKenzie: If you don’t live on campus or have a meal plan the answer is, basically, you kind of don’t. I mean, maybe I’m not the best person to talk to because I’m extremely unhealthy and don’t make an active search for healthy foods, but I know the dining halls have more healthy options than other places on campus. You can also try the C-stores, some of them have fruit and other items as well.
Greg: I got a pretty good ab workout from laughing at this question. Healthy food on campus? Order a salad or try some vegetarian options. I know certain members of The Cougar swear by Freshii. The best I can recommend is eating at Moody and making liberal use of the salad bar.
Laura: Aside from the Nature Valley granola bars in the vending machines, your other options are… nonexistent. Everything is either expensive or not remotely healthy. Your best bet is to start meal prepping or sending a strongly worded email to our president.
I got some seriously loud upstairs neighbors that keep me up every single night. Like, I’m talking stomping so loud it’s rattling the gates of hell and even the devil is shooketh. Now they’re screaming like you know you used to back in 2008 at a Jonas Brothers concert (#FutureMrsJonas). I’m not even joking, as I’m typing this up they’re like throwing a bowling ball on the ground to make sure gravity still works in this plane of existence they think only they live on. I can’t even. What the hellllllllllllll am I supposed to do about this?! Me and my neighbor can’t sleep, and mama needs as much beauty rest as she can get! Oh my God, I’m so tired. – Amber
McKenzie: OK, what you have to do is go up to the people above your upstairs neighbors. Knock on their door. Hopefully, they’ll answer. Now you hand them some nice cookies you made, you introduce yourself and you explain your situation. You ask if they can maybe attempt to crash some chairs, bounce a few balls, do jumping jacks, anything of the sort so that the people above you can endure the same pain you go through. Or you could just complain to their RA, but where’s the fun in that?
Greg: As someone who probably is THAT upstairs neighbor in my apartment, I’m sorry for my fellow loud person’s actions. I come from a family that’s averse to conflict avoidance, but even I recognize that dealing with everything directly has its downsides. I’m going to recommend a middle-of-the-road solution: buy a broom and hit the ceiling with it next time they get loud.
Laura: Honestly, if you’re not trying to have an awkward rest-of-your-lease with your upstairs neighbor, I would recommend investing in some earplugs. If the problem persists, do not leave a note. My neighbors did that to me and I started making more noise, but maybe they’re not like me. Try the earplugs and if things don’t get any better definitely go talk to an RA.