Moody Towers is one of several dorms on campus. With the classes going fully online, Student Housing and Residential Life and Auxiliary Services are offering prorated refunds for housing contracts, meal plans and parking passes for the Spring 2020 semester. | Lino Sandil/The Cougar
As the University transitions to all online and remote classes for the rest of the semester, Student Housing and Residential Life and Auxiliary Services are providing students with the option to receive a partial refund.
While residence halls are expected to remain open through the end of the semester, according to an email from SHRL, residents may decide to cancel their housing for the remainder of the spring semester without penalty. Residents can then qualify for a prorated housing refund from the day they formally check out of their residence hall.
Residents may cancel their housing agreement through their “myHousing” portal on AccessUH. Students moving out by March 22 don’t have to sign-up for an official check-out time. Students planning on moving out after March 22 can sign-up for their check-out through the “myHousing” portal.
Bayou Oaks residents canceling their Spring 2020 housing contract will also be canceling their Summer 2020 housing contract. Cambridge Oaks and Cullen Oaks residents are not under UH Housing and must contact their property management for more information and housing updates.
Students who purchased a Spring 2020 meal plan may qualify for a refund on the remainder of their meal plan. Meal plans can be canceled through the “Meal Plan” portal on AccessUH. Students with an Unlimited or Cougar Choice meal plan may receive a prorated refund. Students with Block meal plans and Cougar Cash will have their remaining balance refunded.
Residents living in Cougar Village I, Cougar Village II, Moody Towers and Cougar Place are required to purchase a meal plan and are not eligible to cancel their Spring 2020 meal plan without also canceling their housing agreement. Both processes must be completed separately and housing cancellation does not automatically cancel residents’ meal plans.
Auxiliary Services will be offering students with a valid parking pass a partial refund from March 16 through May 31. Parking refunds will be an automatic credit and will not require students to return their parking pass. Refunds will be credited to the card used to purchase the parking pass, or to the student’s account if it was purchased through the student’s fee bill.
A full list of the refund amount for each type of parking pass will be available on the University’s Parking and Transportation website.
Refunds through Student Housing and Residential Life and Auxiliary Services may take up to 30 days to be processed and credited to students.