
Noticing the signs of a toxic relationship in 2020

Juana Garcia/The Cougar

Juana Garcia/The Cougar

Zoom meetings, FaceTime and every other social media platform has been a main source of communication for the last several months, and as we continue this new shift in our lives people have been exposing their true colors, but what exactly are the signs of toxic relationships?

The signs can be small or large, in some cases red flags can be caught early on.

It is important to acknowledge these signs or it could become increasingly difficult to share your feelings and struggles because the other party won’t consider what you’re going through; when this happens, it can take an emotional toll and leave long lasting scars.

When talking to a friend or a significant other through Zoom or FaceTime, how are the conservations? Are everyone’s feelings and struggles being validated, or is it about one person and only that person? This is something to consider when having conversations.

Continuing on with the signs, are there any red flags of emotional abuse? Signs of emotional abuse can fall on many ranges including yelling and being reprimanded on small mistakes.

Emotional abuse can even take place across social media platforms. This includes criticizing, humiliating, controlling and shaming.

Is there emotional neglect and isolation from the other person?

There can be many signs of how to notice if you’re in a toxic relationship, but not validating one’s feelings and emotional abuse are the two major signs of a toxic relationship during the coronavirus pandemic.

Saira Haque is an anthropology junior who can be reached at [email protected]

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