Gerald Sastra/The Cougar
With many courses shifting to virtual learning and programming, some student organizations and administration-led initiatives, such as the Student Government Association and CAPS, have given students the opportunity to acknowledge, recognize and discuss issues surrounding mental health.
During its annual “End the Stigma” event, SGA lays out a number of shirts on the lawn in front of the M.D. Anderson Library, a zone with high traffic, to raise awareness of mental health-related causes.
Since the pandemic has adjusted all events, SGA decided to follow the same symbolic message as previous years, but instead of shirts, they used face masks.
Alternatively to laying them out in front of M.D. Anderson Library, they offered various student organizations the option to acquire one of these masks for members.
“It’s important that not only we show that mental health is something that does impact students in such a big way, but also recognize that there is a stigma, and really bring light to that,” SGA president Jasmine Khademakbari said.
Along with the SGA, CAPS is also implementing a number of virtual initiatives to help students cope with their mental health.
CAPS offers group and individual therapy, as well as an essential skills workshop.
While therapy is something some people are relatively familiar with, CAPS provided the “Essential Skills” workshop to meet in a classroom setting. Each week a member of the CAPS clinical team provides students with new information and techniques that can be implemented in students’ day-to-day lives.
When resources from fellow students and the school don’t feel as comfortable to indulge in, supply chain management and management information systems senior Ann Momin turns to hobbies and quality time with family.
“Much of keeping my mental health in check now revolves around keeping myself busy whether that be by learning new skills and getting better at the old ones or going on hikes with my family,” Momin said.