The seventh pandemic gender snapshot released revealed out of the coronavirus deaths reported in Houston and Harris County, more of these deaths were men.
The Institute for Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality released a snapshot on Dec. 22 based on date collected on Dec. 1 of 2020. This data shows demographics such as gender, race, ethnicity and age in COVID-19 related deaths.
In the 536 deaths reported between Oct. 2 and Dec. 1, there has been a rise in deaths of men of color.
The total death count for the Houston and Harris County area is 2439 where 945 of those have been women and 1494 have been men.
“Between the last Snapshot on Oct. 1 data and this report based on Dec. 1 data, the gender, race/ethnicity and age differentials in COVID-19 mortality in H/HC have continued marked,” according to the report.
As seen in previous pandemic gender snapshots, Hispanic men have remained with the largest death rate in the area.
“Though Hispanics make up 40.4 percent of the adult population,” the report said. “They made up 54.9 percent of the total COVID-19 deaths in July (as reported to date).”
The data goes on to show Hispanic men are dying of COVID-19 at a rate 78 percent higher than white men. Black men have also taken on a higher position with a 44 percent higher rate.
“As a result of frontline employment, relatively large numbers of young people are included in the Hispanic and Black death tolls, whereas that is not the case among whites and Asians,” the report stated. “Those who can work at home are not as likely to be infected.”