I am a huge Stephen Colbert fan. Just a few weeks ago, I wrote an article defending his satirical...
Author - Carolina Trevino
The Colbert Report: think before tweeting
I’ve been watching “The Colbert Report” for as long as I can remember. It’s the perfect...
HB 2 clears Texas court, women set to suffer
Last summer, Texas passed House Bill 2, a law that imposed some of the toughest abortion...
Obama makes embarrassingly desperate efforts to gain Affordable...
We get it, Mr. President. You really want everyone to get behind the Affordable Care Act. Look, I...
Selfies far from damaging, teaches acceptance of flaws
Selfies: love them or hate them, they’ve become something of a staple for the millennial generation...
Corporate word ownership has gone overboard
I hope you don’t like the color magenta too much, or T-Mobile just might sue you. That’s right...
Subtle Facebook change a grand gesture toward the LGBT community
Until I was about 16 years old, I had no idea there was a difference between sex and gender. This...
Easier to ignore Bieber than waste time deporting him
I never went through a Belieber phase. I exited my preteen years just as Justin Bieber entered the...
New carding policy at Cougar Village a step forward in better...
It was just last semester that six students were held at gunpoint in Law Residence Hall. Three male...
Biking event a massive hassle for Houston motorists
I was making my way outside of Rockefeller Hall when I noticed a couple of beautifully decorated...