Choosing the right gift can be hard—especially when you want the gift to be meaningful and...
Author - Rama Yousef
Optimism only goes so far, then comes reality
After something bad happens, we’re often encouraged to “look on the bright side” or be...
Fast food in low-income areas contributes to obesity
While driving along Scott Street hoping that there is an available parking space, one will notice...
#GamerGate: Revealing misrepresentation of female character
The gaming world is in an uproar, and it is now seeping into the public eye. As threats against...
‘Pinktober’ brings only attention, not results
Every October, one will find pink everywhere: pink shirts, pink ribbons, pink all over products in...
Textbooks in need of reform, college students frustrated
Every semester it’s the same scenario: students glance back and forth between their fee bill...
Teach for America is the wrong path to education reform
It’s difficult to understand the complexity of teaching until you step into the classroom. Much of...
Job applicants ‘whitewash’ resumes to obtain jobs
Although Equal Employment Opportunity laws and “colorblind” practices in the workplace are meant to...
Cutting back on caffeine increases productivity
Whether one is heading to work or school, using the coffee maker in the kitchen or making a...
Targeting ISIS: U.S. involvement in foreign affairs
Whenever an international crisis takes place, the world looks to the United States to see how the...