
ior can’t decide between football, Frisbee

Sarah Krusleski: You look like you were in a hurry a minute ago?

Brandon Mundt: Yeah, I was going to meet with my professor about my final tomorrow.

Krusleski: So, is that shirt for a sports’ team or…

Mundt: No, it just says "Texas" on it.

Krusleski: Did you get it from a souvenir shop?

Mundt: I got it from Walgreens, three for 10 dollars.

Krusleski: That’s pretty awesome. So, you got three of the same shirts?

Mundt: No, they had a couple of different styles.

Krusleski: So, why are you in the library today?

Mundt: Studying for a final.

Krusleski: How’s summer school been treating you?

Mundt: It’s been pretty fast and furious. It goes by pretty fast. I cannot lie: It’s time consuming.

Krusleski: You kind of look like a football player.

Mundt: I’m not.

Krusleski: Well, you’re built and stuff. Did you ever play sports?

Mundt: Well, you know, here and there. In high school, I played football.

Krusleski: Do you still play?

Mundt: No, I sure don’t. I will be tossing a Frisbee this weekend. I might toss a football or baseball around.

Mundt: What are you going do this Fourth of July?

Krusleski: I’m going to eat dinner at Osaka and – that’s my job, to ask questions.

Mundt: Your job is to ask questions?

Krusleski: Yes sir.

Mauricio Lazo: Sure they can ask questions.

Krusleski: No,they can’t.

Mundt: I’m probably going to go to Galveston. If not, I might go all the way to Austin and throw some Frisbee with my friends.

Krusleski: To close this up: What would you recommend, Frisbee or football?

Mundt: Probably… you know, it just depends on what mood you’re in. I prefer tossing a football around probably to a Frisbee. It just looks a little too granola. I tried tossing a Frisbee around…

Krusleski: Granola?

Mundt: No, it’s fine. It depends on whichever one you want to do. A football probably stays up better in the wind than a Frisbee.

Krusleski: If you’re going to Galveston, throw a football. If not, throw a Frisbee.

Mundt: Right.

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