Directed by Greg Mattola of Superbad fame, Adventureland, starring Ryan Reynolds, leads audiences to expect a sidesplitting comedy.’
In that respect, the audience will be sorely disappointed. As a post-teen drama, however, this film leaves one yearning for the goof-off days of minimum wage jobs.’
Jesse Eisenberg plays James Brennan, a college graduate who misses out on a trip to Europe with his best friend the summer before graduate school.’
In order to save money, James must take a lowly job at Adventureland, a local amusement park that’s more like a carnival and less like Six Flags.’
While trying to figure out the underlying motives of the opposite sex, Adventureland is where he realizes his degree is worthless. Fortunately, he has a bag of joints as well as a neighbor, who constantly distracts him with punches to the groin.’
Kristen Stewart plays Em, James’ love interest. Em is a confused and complicated girl with plenty of drama in her life well beyond her years. She seems to quickly fall for James, but the film never explains why this experienced girl would ever like a clumsy, geeky virgin like him.’
For whatever reason the writers thought up, James and Em begin dating, despite the fact she has and continues to sleep with the maintenance man, played by Reynolds.’
Deciding to ride the coattails of his former success, Reynolds phones it in for Adventureland. Reynolds brings none of his witty banter and instead tries to instill a sort of macho, base advice that comes off fake.’
All of the charm he oozes in previous roles is gone and his portrayal is instead pathetic, especially when his over-aged band performs at the local dive bar. ‘
The rest of the film plays as an off-kilter teen drama. As Steward, Eisenberg and Reynolds try to unravel their characters’ love triangle, the motley cast of supporting characters bring no more to the table than brief moments of awkward attempts at comic relief.
‘ Adventureland tries, but never captures the fun and innocence of youthful indiscretions as the director’s previous film Superbad.’
Even though this film fails on many accounts, for all its misgivings it still has a feel-good romantic quality embedded between the awkward jokes. Somewhere amid the acid washed jeans and big hair of James and Em, there is a sweet romance to be found. In their most intimate moments, the audience can understand she really cares about him and, despite her attitude, she’s just as inexperienced and na’iuml;ve as he is.’
When James finally summons the courage to kiss Em, you really root for him despite his lack of lady skills. In the end, these are the feel-good moments that help you not to dwell on the film’s wasted comedic opportunities.’
If you’re anticipating the next hilarious Ryan Reynolds flick, Adventureland will not deliver. But if you happen to have a date this Friday night, you will definitely feel less incompetent after watching this film.