While the iPad wants to offer users an infinite number of capabilities, the actual functions of this product have yet to be determined. | Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
“A magical and revolutionary product at an unbelievable price” — for those who have been living under a rock for the past few months, this is the newest slogan for Apple’s iPad.
The lightweight tool that is meant to have the capacity of a laptop with all the trendy go-to tools that embody the iPhone and iPod Touch was released Saturday morning, stirring up a frenzy among the nation’s tech savvy’s.
Apple said in a statement that it sold more than 300,000 units on the launch day. Because of the iPad’s allure, such as its ability to find the fastest Wi-Fi connections and its 10 hours of battery life that is perfect for videogame nerds, students who want to watch movies in class or avid readers catching up on a novel, it’s easy to see why people all over the nation lined up outside Apple stores over the weekend.
In a recent Houston Chronicle article, Orlando Castro said that he hadn’t pre-ordered the iPad and, in fear that he wouldn’t get his own copy, arrived outside the Memorial City Mall Apple Store at 11 p.m. Friday.
Broadcast journalism junior Mila Clarke said that when the keynote demonstration was released in January, she was skeptical of the iPad’s purpose, especially since it does have a few drawbacks.
“I didn’t see the point of it. The only problem I had was the incapability to run Flash Web sites,” Clarke said. “There are no disk drives, and you can’t upload anything to it. Everything has to be sent to you via e-mail.
“But now I’ve realized that it has everything on it that is needed. As a student, it’s great if you want something lightweight to take notes on.”
Despite the allure, an MSNBC review said the iPad was too big to actually carry around. Unlike an iPhone, which is easily portable, the iPad still has the same portability limitations that a laptop has. After paying $500 or more, most people don’t want to risk cracking the screen or breaking it without dishing out an extra $40 to $80 dollars for a protective case.
It also carries all the iPhone limitations such as only being able to run one application at a time and the glossy screen that is familiar on most Apple products, such as the Macbook Pro and iMac desktops, is too noticeable to read an entire novel or textbook for long a period of time.
Even though Apple guarantees that the iPad is lightweight, weighing at 1.5 pounds, the Kindle e-book only weighs 10 ounces and is easier to take around campus or work.
Computer engineering sophomore Dwayne Williams said that he understands the appeal the iPad holds, but would not buy one.
“It’s too square in size. I find it hard to use,” Williams said. “Earlier today, I played around with it, and I found it’s only useful if you want to surf the Internet or read a book.
“It’s over-priced. It’s basically a larger iPod Touch. I think the only people who will use it a lot are huge Apple buffs.”
Gizmodo’s Jesus Diaz said that he believes the iPad is the beginning of the changing of the world. He said that the iPad is the first step towards killing the computer and that people who find computers difficult to use will find the iPad very helpful.
Also, people who are annoyed with file buildups on their hard drives consuming disk space and lowering their computer’s speed will find relief in the next years with newer products.
For now, the iPad minimizes the technological pain by converting all our personal files into specialized databases and making day-to-day tasks easier for some.
“Hold onto your pants, because the world is changing. Big time,” Diaz said.