
Choir to perform classics, pop

The Concert Women’s Chorus composed of students from UH’s Moores School of Music will take to the stage of McGonigel’s Mucky Duck and belt out festive British songs to raise funds for the college.

The eclectic program will be full of bon-bons ranging from choral classics like Gwyneth Walker’s “How Can I Keep from Singing,” to selections from recognized composers Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Pirates of Penzance,” and even a pop-a cappella rendition of the Beatles’ “Here Comes the Sun.”

“The idea was inspired by some of the work I’ve done at the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Houston,” said director of the chorus, Justin Smith.

The Sullivan Society usually previews their annual shows in the summer by performing at McGonigel’s, a local pub offering live music and traditional food and drinks.

Smith said that the venue is an intimate, postage stamp-sized place, with characteristic pub refreshments, great beer, a stage and a rickety piano.

Besides benefiting the school, the project is also doing something new for the singers and audience — performing outside of the usual stuffy conventions of a normal classical concert.

“I thought to myself that it would be a wonderful place to do a community outreach,” said Smith. “It just takes the ivory tower out of the music — makes it more accessible for everyone involved.”

And the students are into it, too.

“This being my first year, it’s really great to be involved in a choral program that gives such great opportunities for students to perform,” said ensemble member Michelle Anderson.

The event begins at 8 p.m. at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck,.

For more information, call (713) 528-5999 or visit

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