Chief Election Commissioner for the Student Government Association Arsalan Razakazi announced Friday that Michael McHugh and Cedric Bandoh will compete in a run-off election for the presidential seat.
Senators-at-large positions one and three will also enter run-off elections between Imran Ghandi and Christopher Holly, and Kirby White and Adnan Ratani.
Both McHugh and Bandoh said they were surprised by the small number of students who voted because of the high turnout for the student service fee referendum.
“That kind of came as a shocker,” McHugh said. “I’d like to see a higher turnout for the run-off election.”
They both said they were grateful for the results of the general election.
“(My vice president and I are) happy we made it to the run-offs,” Bandoh said. “That was our goal.”
Students can vote from 7 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. today through Wednesday, and the results will be announced at noon on Thursday in the University Center World Affairs Lounge.
For a list of students who won senate seats in the general election see page 2.