The new Bauer Honors Commons will give students a space to relax, socialize and study. | Amanda Wilkinson/The Daily Cougar
The room was bustling with chatter Thursday as students, faculty and alumni celebrated the grand opening of the new Bauer Honors Commons.
In addition, attendees were able to join in the annual Bauer Honors Fall Mixer, where they networked and learned about the latest updates within the program.
“I am so excited about the new Bauer Honors Commons opening,” said pre-business freshman Leslie Zorzi. “It’s going to be a place where all of us can go together, meet up and socialize with alumni, professors and each other and have a great learning environment.”
Within the Bauer Honors Commons, the Hamill Commons Room includes two classrooms, two offices for the academic advisors and a large common area, which is equipped with couches and chairs where students can relax, do homework and interact with each other.
“It is a really exciting time, especially for commuter students like myself,” said Matt Null, a finance senior and former Bauer honors mentor. “There is finally a place for us to be on campus.”
Having shared its commons with the Honors College in the M.D. Anderson Library, the Bauer honors program now has a place of its own.
“It is exciting to know that the Bauer honors students have a home. Any time you give a group of people a place where they can meet, it’s going to improve the connectedness they’re going to have together because they will get together to do more things,” said Bauer College of Business activities adviser Jonathan Shirley.
”I can see this lead to more of an involvement with the college, which is also great because it gets students more involved, more likely for them to graduate and more likely to do better.”
This new addition will also serve as a great asset to Bauer, as students are provided a great space to network.
“I love the class sizes because they are small and you get to know your professors well,” said pre-business freshman Vidha Dixit. “The new Bauer Honors Commons will be a way for all of us to interact more.”
In case anyone was curious, Matt Null is a CURRENT Bauer Honors mentor…