
Site informs students on Metro issues

To help students and faculty navigate the changes brought on by the construction of the new light rail system and to be better prepared, University Services has formed an informative blog.

“The Southeast Light Rail blog up is a way to promote openness and communication with the University of Houston students, faculty, staff and community,” said Chris Ramsey, a member of the University Service team.

The blog provides the UH community with easy access to updates on construction, information about the Southeast Light Rail and announcements from UH on safety awareness.

“If anyone is seeking information on the Southeast Light Rail, this blog will be their first step towards getting that information,” Ramsey said.

The blog also contains maps of the future light rail line and links to local businesses.

Though Houston Metro also has a website for the Southeast rail, and it displays maps and a brief description of what to expect the rail system to look like, the light rail blog provides the UH community with more UH specific information.

The blog gives the ability to communicate questions and comments about the light rail to the University.

The UH University Service team invites all students and faculty to check out the blog at

According to officials at the Houston Metro, the estimated six miles worth of rails will not be completed until the year 2014.

The light rail would be affordable and direct transportation to and from the University.

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