Seared Duck Breast with Black Lentils, Seared Carrots and a Blackberry Glaze 2 duck breasts, scored...
Author - Jorge Porras
In the Kitchen: DIY fortune cookies
Fortune cookies are a true labor of love. The meticulous folding and balance of speed and delicate...
In the kitchen: Lime and Cucumber shooters
Ingredients: 4 limes, zested and juiced 3 cups of water 3 tablespoons of agave nectar 2 seedless...
In the kitchen: Salmon ceviche
Salmon ceviche is a dish that is so easy to make and needs very little attention. Ceviche is fish...
In the kitchen: Lemon dill chicken pasta
Lemon Dill Chicken pasta is a filling meal that is simple to put together after a day of class or...
In the kitchen: Enchilada verde recipe
Enchilada verde is one of my favorite mexican dishes, and it’s simple and inexpensive to make...
Food to try before winter ends: cheddar cheese grits
Ingredients: 2 cups of milk 2 Tbsp of unsalted butter 4 ½ cups of water 2 cups of quick cooking...
Food to try before winter ends: brown sugar-glazed bacon
Ingredients: 1 lb of bacon (thick cut) ½ cup of brown sugar Instructions: Pre-heat the oven to 400...
Food to try before winter ends
Recipes: Sweet-cream crepes | Cheddar cheese grits | Glazed bacon I have always associated the cold...
All smiles at new Heights eatery
It is not often a place opens up that has a concept that completely takes me by surprise and pulls...