I never imagined I’d have to write parting words so soon, but it’s time to say goodbye to The Daily Cougar.
Throughout my time at the Cougar, I always told my coworkers I refused to write any articles because of my irrational fear of writing news stories. Part of it was my fear of reaching out to subjects for interviews, and part of it was finding the magic to construct stories. What’s kind of amusing is that as I write this, I kind of have that same fear; however, as assistant managing editor, whose job is the manage the website and social media, it’s ironic that I have yet to write a blog post, so here it goes (better late than never).
It’s cliche to say joining the Cougar was the best decision I have made in college, but it’s true. I started working at the paper as a copy editor during the middle of the spring semester of my sophomore year. Before then, I didn’t care about the paper. I vaguely knew we had a school paper, and my only exposure to it was when I would see my then roommate read an issue and solve the Sudoku puzzles on page six. However, one day she saw a copy test in the Cougar and knowing my love for grammar, she told me that the paper was looking for copy editors and that I should take the test and apply. I was hesitant at first because I’m somewhat of an introvert and don’t like putting myself out there and meeting new people, but I look a leap of faith, and I’m glad I did.
Two semesters later, I’m completing my term as assistant managing editor. To say it has been a joy and pleasure is a big understatement. I am happy to have been the man behind the website and social media. Regardless of the ridiculously long hours I put in, I wouldn’t change a thing and am proud of the content we were able to produce in print and online, which include regularly posted photo slideshows and videos, which were collaborations with the Student Video Network, one of our partners in the Center for Student Media.
And now that I’m stepping down from my position and leaving the organization to act as the station director for Coog Radio, another partner in CSM, the rest of my college career will never feel the same because for the past year, I have spent every moment outside of class in the newsroom. The paper became my second home, and letting that part of me go is bittersweet to say the least. I live and breathe the Cougar. What puts my mind at ease, though, is that I know the future of the Cougar is in good hands with the new editorial board.
I have met amazing people, worked with friends every night to create a product daily for readers to enjoy and have a new repository in my head for special TDC memories — and it’s all because I took a chance and got involved. If I were to give you one piece of advice, I would urge you to get involved, too. Join a student organization during your time in college. It’s never too late. Being a part of a student organization and getting involved allows you experience a part of college life you’ll cherish and remember past your years in college.
Take a chance like I did, and make the most of your college experience. One way to start getting involved is by reading about what is happening around you. Pick up and read the paper every day when you’re on campus. There are newsstands everywhere. You might find something that piques your interest. As you check your social media accounts, don’t forget to check our website for online exclusives and read our blogs.
I’m sad to be leaving the Cougar, but I know that the time has come to pass the torch to the new AME, who I know will do greater things than I could during my short time in charge. This isn’t as permanent of a goodbye as I’m making it out to be though because there will always be a part of me tied to the Cougar. I will always pick up a paper; I will always get some daily.
— Samantha Wong, Assistant managing editor