The indie film “The Sessions,” which focuses on a paralyzed poet and his quest to lose his virginity, serves as a hilarious, quirky and undeniably touching experience for adult audiences.
Based on the life of poet Mark O’Brien, “The Sessions” unabashedly presents the writer’s thoughts toward sexuality.
Another issue O’Brien experiences with his sexuality is his devotion to the Catholic practice. The separation between his body and religion presents an interesting scenario.
The film isn’t awkward to the point of discomfort, there is laughter, struggle and tears for protagonist, and experiences the audience members should be able to relate — the sex scenes recall the anxieties, perspiration and passion of reality.
Aesthetically, the film will capture the attention of attendees who are interested in beauty and structure.
The plot is simple and executed well. Color scheme is sensitively utilized and the overall composition has great movement. The film also hints at the parallels between religion and sex.
The cast is near-perfect. William H. Macy does a hilarious job as the role of the priest and guide to Mark O’Brien.
The awkward conversations about sex between the two gives a huge relief in contrast to the tension that occurs when O’Brien tries his best to perform sexually.
Helen Hunt acts as the sex therapist for O’Brien and does an impressive job in the part, after eventually losing herself in her client’s life.
Overall, the cast does a great job providing each of their characters with depth and complexity within interesting emotions and scenarios.
The triangle relationship between love, sex and religion is difficult to approach but the film tackles the relation and easily harmonizes all three of them together.
The indie film provides a lesson in unconventional love and shows that emotion can be found in unexpected relationships.
“The Sessions,” which is the winner of two 2012 Sundance Film Festival awards, serves as a great viewing pleasure for couples and singles alike.